第1期 - 第14話 - メタモルフォーゼ

  • 脚本:猪爪慎一
  • コンテ:米田和弘
  • 演出:佐藤光/サトウ光敏
  • 作画監督:櫻井 司/能海知佳/佐野恵一/八重樫洋平/都築裕佳子/谷川亮介/香田智樹

1st - Episode14 - Metamorphosis

The students have been tasked with creating an egg-based breakfast menu item for a buffet, and they must persuade guests to consume 200 servings before two hours' time. Soma's souffle omelets keep deflating before the guests have a chance to take the dish. With only 30 minutes remaining, Soma has served less than 10 guests--with defeat imminent, Soma recalls Joichiro's advice and decides to make a last-ditch effort to make a comeback!

第14話 WEB限定 次回予告
