- 第18話 - 誰が為に

  • 脚本:ヤスカワショウゴ
  • コンテ・演出:鈴木恭兵
  • 作画監督:小松沙奈/都築裕佳子/中島美子/廣田茜/角谷知美
  • 総作画監督:山崎正和/谷川亮介
進級試験三次試験、創真VS新十傑・葉山戦! 創真が捨て身で熊肉の美味しさを追求した「メンチカツ」が出され、早くも勝敗が決まったように思われた。そんななか、ついに葉山の熊肉料理が姿を見せる! 葉山の超嗅覚による熊料理は、審査員たちを圧倒し「創真の品を凌駕している」とまで言わしめる! だが、創真の目はまだ諦めていなかった。その理由とは……!?

- Episode18 - For Someone's Sake

  • Screenplay:Shogo Yasukawa
  • Storyboards / Direction:Kyohei Suzuki
  • Animation Director:Sana Komatsu, Yukako Tsuzuki, Yoshiko Nakajima, Akane Hirota, Tomomi Kakutani
  • Chief Animation Director:Masakazu Yamazaki, Ryosuke Tanigawa

    The third round of the advancement exam begins with Soma vs new member of the elite ten, Hayama! Soma throws everything he’s got into his ultimately delicious Bear Menchi Katsu, which seemed like a winning dish already. In that situation, Hayama’s bear meat dish is finally revealed! A bear dish prepared with Hayama’s extremely acute sense of smell blows judges away and even makes them admit that it surpasses Soma’s dish! However, Soma’s eyes still shone with hope. What will his next move be!?
