第2話 青の前哨戦 XX~XX
- 脚本:ヤスカワショウゴ
- コンテ:米たにヨシトモ
- 演出:則座 誠
- 作画監督:中山由美/山本雅章/菊永千里/菅原美千代/藤田真弓
- 総作画監督:小森 篤/谷川亮介
Episode2 PPreparetory Battle before the BLUE XX~XX
- Script:Shogo Yasukawa
- Storyboard:Yoshitomo Yonetani
- Episode Director:Makoto Sokuza
- Animation Director:Yumi Nakayama, Masaaki Yamamoto, Chisato Kikunaga, Mitiyo Sugawara, Mayumi Fujita
- Chief Animation Director:Atsushi Komori, Ryosuke Tanigawa
突如、開催されることが通達された世界的な料理コンクール『THE BLUE』。遠月学園に用意された出場枠は3つ。その席を賭け、全生徒が参加可能な「青の前哨戦」が開催されることに! 参加自由ということもあり、奮って参加する生徒たち…! 99人の審査員たちが選ぶ上位3名は、誰になるのか…!? 「スープ」をお題に、料理人達のバトルロイヤルが始まる…!
A world cooking competition "THE BLUE" was announced to be held.
Three slots were available for Totsuki Culinary Institute. With that seat on the line, a "Blue Prequel" will be held that is open to all students in the academy! All were welcome to participate, so many students were positive to apply. Who will be the top 3 winners chosen by the 99 judges? A battle royale between chefs on the theme “Soup Dishes” is about to begin…!