第10話 必殺料理の作り方 XX~XX
- 脚本:ヤスカワショウゴ
- コンテ:高田耕一/鈴木 行
- 演出:海宝興蔵
- 作画監督:中山由美/山中いづみ/パン・プイキ/都築裕佳子/松岡謙治/前田ゆり子
- 総作画監督:山崎正和/谷川亮介
Episode10 The Knockout Specialities XX~XX
- Script:Shogo Yasukawa
- Storyboard:Kouichi Takada, Iku Suzuki
- Episode Director:Kouzo Kaiho
- Animation Director:Yumi Nakayama, Idumi Yamanaka, Puiki Pan, Yukako Tsuduki, Kenji Matsuoka, Yuriko Maeda
- Chief Animation Director:Masakazu Yamazaki, Ryosuke Tanigawa
遂に連隊食戟最終戦が開幕! FINAL BOUTの対決方法は、2皿だけのコース料理という難題。各チームのメンバーそれぞれが、前菜とメイン料理を担当して審査員達にサーブするため、チームワークが重要な一戦となる。だが、創真とえりなは言い合ってばかりでどこか険悪な様子…。そんな2人を尻目に司と竜胆の最強コンビは、料理を完成させる――!
The last Régiment du Cuisine begins!
For the FINAL BOUT, each member from the team must complete 1 entree and 1 main dish to complete a course meal.
Although team work is crucial to this battle, Soma and Erina continue to bicker on.
On the other hand, the invincible pair Tsukasa and Rindo are ready to present their dishes…!
For the FINAL BOUT, each member from the team must complete 1 entree and 1 main dish to complete a course meal.
Although team work is crucial to this battle, Soma and Erina continue to bicker on.
On the other hand, the invincible pair Tsukasa and Rindo are ready to present their dishes…!